Register at Interwoven
Step One
To learn more about our Interwoven Community Counseling Center services or to register for services, call us at 312-467-2385. If you call and leave a message, please leave your name, phone number, and best times to call you back. We will return your call within one business day.
Step Two
An intake staff member will talk with you about your concerns, what services interest you, and answer your questions. If you decide to start services, you will be assigned a provider who will contact you to set up your first meeting. You will be asked to provide payment information, and the intake staff member will help determine your fee and, if you have insurance coverage, what reimbursement will be provided and if there is any out-of-pocket amount.

How does therapy help?
Psychotherapy helps people understand that they can do something to improve their situation. That leads to changes that enhance healthy behavior, whether it’s improving relationships, expressing emotions better, doing better at work or school, or thinking more positively. – The American Psychology Association