Court-Ordered Counseling & Psychological Testing

The Chicago School Forensic Center is the most comprehensive forensic mental health services provider in Illinois. Housed on the Chicago School’s campus, the Center offers a full spectrum of outpatient mental health services for family and child domestic court referrals and other types of legally-involved persons.

Forensic psychology involves the application of counseling and psychological assessment skills for persons who are involved in the legal system. In many instances, a court may order someone to participate in these services to obtain a professional opinion to assist the court in its decision making.

The Forensic Center is experienced in helping individuals and families fulfill the requirements of court-ordered services. We understand that you may have questions and concerns about our role in serving you and the court, so don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more. We can help guide through what can sometimes be a stressful and confusing process.

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Black man in counseling session with doctor

What if I need to learn more about mental health treatment and evaluations?

Deciding on which mental health service is best for the court to order can be challenging. Sometimes multiple services are ordered, and it can be confusing which service should start first and how all services together address what the court wants to see happen. If you would like us to answer your questions or provide a consultation, please contact us. We also can provide your organization or firm a workshop regarding all the services we offer.